Ocean Bluff Residence Lighting Mockup

Blackbird is dedicated to the details! Our team worked late into the night testing out in-house fabricated lighting mockups for our Ocean Bluff…

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Beach Comfort with a View

Exciting changes are coming to Jalama Beach County Park! A new comfort station is just one of the many planned improvements including expanded…

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Cate School Library and Classroom Building Progress

The Cate School Library and Classroom Building project is nearing completion. See the progression over the last year – ending with a glimpse…

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Oak Knoll Home – A Hillside Haven

        Overlooking a pristine oak woodland hillside, the home connects open-plan living with serene mountain and woodland canopy views. A…

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Shoreline Drive Home Site Visit

Construction progress site visit by Blackbirds – prefabricated roof trusses simplify realization of open plan concept that connects ocean views to elegant backyard…

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Ocean Bluff – Transformable Glazed Façades

Transformable glazed façades fully open inside to out || Ocean Bluff Residence View more project images and videos here.

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Ocean Bluff – Stunning Ocean Views

Stunning ocean views || Ocean Bluff Residence View more project images and videos here.  

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Ocean Bluff Residence

Blackbird Architects is excited to share images and video of the Ocean Bluff Residence. Currently under construction, project completion is anticipated this Summer…

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