Ken Radtkey FAIA

On Friday 23, 2018, the AIA announced the elevation of Ken Radtkey to The College of Fellows of The American Institute of Architects! The AIA’s highest membership honor recognizes exceptional work and contributions to architecture and society.  In advancing the science and art of building, Ken “poetically merges building, landscape, and sustainability – expanding the role and impact of architecture.”
A word from Ken:
By including me in this inspiring national community of architects, the AIA is also recognizing the achievements of everyone we work with.
Our clients are recognized for trusting us and challenging us with their aspirations.
Our many mentors and collaborators amongst architects, landscape architects, engineers, artists, artisans and others are recognized for sharing their vision and expertise.
Most importantly, our many colleagues over the years at Blackbird Architects and Van Atta Associates Landscape Architects are recognized for the great work we’re so lucky to share.
In this work together we’re all elevated.
The Investiture Ceremony will be held in June at the AIA Conference on Architecture 2018 in New York City.
“The College of Fellows was created in 1952 to provide a means to elevate those architects who have made a significate contribution to architecture and society and who have achieved a standard of excellence in the profession. Election to the College of Fellows not only recognizes the achievement of the architect as an individual, but also honors before the public and the profession a model architect who has made a significant contribution to architecture and society on a national level. Only 3 percent of the AIA members have this distinction.”